Elements of Plastic Mold Tooling Costs

Elements of Plastic Mold Tooling Costs Besides the time in hours required to build tools for a given plastics part, the items of materials, maintenance and amortization of the tools enter the estimate. Overhead costs for keeping the toolroom also…

Estimating System for Plastic Molds

Estimating System for Plastic Molds Cost estimating for plastics molding requires thorough consideration of several factors. These factors may be listed as follows: 1. Estimate of tooling costs. 2. Estimate of plastics materials and other raw materials costs. 3. Estimate…


What Is Electroplating or Electro-Deposition? Electroplating or electro-deposition is a process whereby atoms or molecules (the smallest indivisible portions of a substance having the properties of the substance) of metal or some other material are precipitated from a liquid solution,…

What hardness for plastic molds?

What hardness for plastic molds? How hard should a plastic mold be? A tempest in a teacup has been raging since the first attempt to swap ideas on plastic mold design. To one molder, 48 Rockwell “C” is sufficient; to…

The design of a simple injection mold

THE DESIGN OF A SIMPLE INJECTION TYPE MOLD An injection type mold is a mold into which a plastics material is introduced from an exterior heating, or plasticizing, cylinder. Such a mold operates at a constant temperature; cool, or slightly…

Air Hardening Tool Steels

Air Hardening Tool Steels Air hardening tool steels find their chief applications, as far as plastics tooling is concerned, as materials for hobs, impression parts which require extremely low distortion on heat treatment, and cutting tools for fabricating the molded,…